About Me


  I am an aspiring software developer passionate about leveraging technology for positive change. I recently graduated with a master's degree in computer engineering from ASU. With over 3 years of software development experience, I'm currently volunteering at EPICS, where I tackle engineering challenges for non-profits.

Please feel free to explore my portfolio and reach out to me.


Symbol of Arizona State University

Arizona State University

MS in Computer Engineering
Graduated in December 2023

Symbol of NITK

National Institute of Technology Karnataka

B.Tech in Electronics and Communications Engineering
2016 - 2020


Programming Languages

Python, JavaScript, SQL, HTML, CSS, C, MATLAB

Tools and Databases

Git, Copilot, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Postman, AWS, Azure, Docker, OpenFaaS, Kubernetes, Firebase, Figma, LensStudio, SnapAR

Libraries and Frameworks

Python - flask, streamlit, boto3, numpy, pandas, seaborn, matplotlib, sklearn, pygame, tkinter; JavaScript - Node.js, Mocha, Express.js, React.js; CSS - Bootstrap, Tailwind


Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Outlook, Teams), Google Workspace (Sheets, Docs, Slides, GMail, Meet), Adobe (Photoshop, After Effects, Illustrator, Firefly), Dropbox, Slack, Zoom, WordPress, Canva


EduScan V2
A classroom assistant for seamless student identification and academic data retrieval using open-source solutions

Skills : Python, OpenFaaS, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes

A classroom assistant for seamless student identification and academic data retrieval

Skills : Python, AWS, Docker, Streamlit

A responsive web application for creating custom playlists using Spotify API

Skills : JavaScript, React.js, HTML, Tailwind CSS, Git, Spotify API

Cloud Vision
An elastic image recognition service built using AWS EC2, S3, SQS

Skills : Python, AWS, Flask

Foodie Finds
A responsive web application for users to search for restaurants

Skills : JavaScript, Node.js, React.js, HTML, CSS, Git, Yelp API

Sparky's Money Rush
An immersive and interactive AR-based Snapchat filter game designed exclusively for the Devil's Invent Hackathon

Skills : LensStudio, SnapAR

presentation file
A full back-end CRUD API for local cafe

Skills : JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, SQL, HTML, CSS, git

github link
Boss Machine
An API based unique management application for accomplished minions

Skills : JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, HTML, CSS, git

github link
The Scoop
A web application for users to post articles, comment and upvote/downvote them.

Skills : JavaScript, Node.js, YAML, HTML, CSS, git

github link
A 3-round variation of Rock-Paper-Scissors as an interactive web game

Skills : JavaScript, Node.js, HTML, CSS, git

github link
Chatter Box
A real-time chatroom application leveraging WebSockets

Skills : JavaScript, Node.js, HTML, CSS, git

github link
Branch Predictor
A machine learning based branch predictor for optimized performance

Skills : C, git

presentation file
Audio Synthesizer
Neural Network based audio synthesizer to mix and produce custom audio clips

Skills : Python

presentation file
Tic Tac Toe
A simple python terminal based Tic Tac Toe game

Skills : Python, git

github link


You can have a look at my resume and refer my linkedin for more details.

Professional Experience

Symbol of NITK

Software Engineer

DXC Technology | 2020 - 2021
